Career, Navigating Uncertainty

Job Hunting with Limited Savings? How to Stay Sane & Keep Moving Forward

7 Practical tips on managing stress, staying proactive when your future feels shaky

Rakia Ben Sassi
5 min readJust now


A man with a costume and sunglasses holding a loop in front of his face to illustrate that he is looking for a job
Photo by Marten Newhall on Unsplash

We’ve all been there at one point or another: that stomach-churning mix of anxiety, uncertainty, and a ticking clock.

You’re in between jobs, your bank account has a definite expiration date — say, about two months left of savings, and the future feels murky at best. It’s the classic “uncertain future” scenario that nobody wants to face — but here you are.

Let’s be honest, it’s tough. You can’t just ignore the gnawing thoughts about rent, bills, or how long that box of pasta is going to last. But here’s the thing: it’s possible to navigate this rough patch with confidence, keep moving forward, and even turn it into an opportunity for growth.

So, how do you keep yourself sane in this period of uncertainty and come out stronger on the other side?

I’m here to share some actionable insights.

1. Acknowledge Your Feelings, Don’t Ignore Them

First things first: it’s completely normal to feel anxious, stressed, and even a bit panicked…



Rakia Ben Sassi

Google Developer Expert in Angular, WTM Ambassador, a seasoned software engineer, Content Creator | YouTube: